‘We dramatically change and improve daily lives by providing the best TeleMental Health and Telemedicine services anywhere.’

‘We dramatically improve daily life by providing the best TeleHealth services anywhere.’

Your Personal Health Plan is something that no Primary Care Doctor will provide for you.    First of all, she or he just doesn’t have the time to create it – even if they know all this information.  Most everything that is in your PHP has taken months of painstaking research to make sure it is the most reliable and true information available today.  But more than that, your PHP gives you very specific insights as to why some of your choices should be changed – or maintained if they are good choices.  Honestly, this PHP is nearly priceless because if you follow everything that is enclosed in these 80 or so personalized pages, you will live a healthier, freer, happier and wealthier life.  Because in good health is true wealth.  Enjoy!
Your HAT™ Score:

22 - 36 = Good

37 - 52 = Not Bad - Yet

53 - 66 = Adjustments Recommended

A couple of simple adjustments will dramatically improve your health and overall wealth and well-being.

Download Your Free Personalized Health Plan

Delivering the most comprehensive Personal Health Plan of anyone in the country – a personalized health book about you and your health – FREE!